About Guarantor Rental Service Contracts

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  • About Guarantor Rental Service Contracts

Getting a contract is easy!
All it takes is three steps.

Note: Applications are accepted from real estate agencies with which we have an agency agreement.


You submit an


We review your




You submit an

To apply for tenancy, you must submit JID’s application form for rental guarantor services either on paper or electronically.

If applying on paper

Fill out the application form for rental guarantor services.

Submit identity verification documents.

Apply your seal or signature.

If applying electronically

Enter your application details online.

Upload identity verification documents.


Note: Depending on the details of your application, you might be asked to submit documents demonstrating your ability to pay.

Please see this explanation regarding identity verification documents and documents demonstrating your ability to pay.


We review your

The JID review department will confirm the details of the application to the applicant by SMS or telephone.
Note: Depending on the details of your application, we might need to contact your place of work to confirm your employment.
We might also contact your emergency contacts via SMS or telephone to verify their approval, so please explain that to them in advance.
You will be notified of the review results through the real estate agent.
Be aware in advance that you will not be told, under any circumstances, the reasons for the review decision that is made.



You must sign our rental guarantor service contract on paper or electronically to obtain a rental contract.
(You might have to register your bank account for withdrawals.)
After that, you must pay our initial guarantee fee to the real estate agency.
After we have confirmed the rental guarantor service contract and payment of the initial guarantee fee, our guarantee service will begin.

If signing the contract on paper

Fill out the rental guarantor service contract.

Apply your seal or signature.

Pay the initial
guarantee fee.

If signing the contract electronically

See contract details on our website.
Electronic contract manual


Pay the initial
guarantee fee.

Pay the initial guarantee fee.

Note: Please contact the real estate agency for more details.

Important Notes Regarding Contracts


You cannot sublease to others.

The Civil Code stipulates that a renter who has rented a building from a landlord may not transfer the right of lease or sublease the rented property without the consent of the landlord.


You must contact the real estate agency in advance before you move out.

If you decide to move, please contact the real estate agency in advance. The amount of time in advance notice you must give the real estate agency to inform them that you are moving out varies according to the property. Please check your own rental agreement first.
You might be charged a penalty if you don’t give sufficient advance notice.

Please read the contract carefully. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact JID.

To contact our customer service center:

Learn more about
JID’s rental